107學年度國際村幹部遴選辦法 107 Regulations of Global Village Cadre Selection

107學年度國際村幹部遴選辦法 107 Regulations of Global Village Cadre Selection

遴選對象Potential Target:
Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior in Tunghai University

1. 活潑外向、熱心負責、學業成績60分以上,107學年需住宿滿一年,不得中途退宿。
*Those who are outgoing, diligent and enthusiastic
*Whose academic score reach 60 or above
*Residence for a full year (107) without a withdrawal
*Activity proposal:
(1) the topic includes language learning and cultural interaction
(2) the proposal should comprise at least 2 activities in one semester, that is, 4 activities in one academic year.
*Group application is allowed, no more than 2 people.

錄取人數Admission quota:
8 males; 8 females。

報名截止日期Application deadline:
107 March, 1, 17:00pm (NO overdue)。

幹部名單公佈Admission notice and announcement:
107 March, 23

遴選程序Selection Process:
Upload application information on website.
The selection committee, convened by the Village Chief, would rank the priority according to the content and quality of activity proposal.

Ø 報名系統中個人資料請務必填寫完整,將依此份資料做為聯繫同學之依據。
Individual information should be complete, which would serve as your contact information.
Ø 錄取者須依照活動企劃書實施辦理107學年國際村活動,相關活動經費與協助可洽國際處國際學生交流組。
Those who get admission should organize the activities according to the proposal, then inquire for OIEP Student Affairs Section about budget information.
Ø 如有任何疑問可向國際處國際學生交流組提出諮詢。 EMAIL:annacywu@thu.edu.tw;chuyen@thu.edu.tw
Please feel free to inquire for OIEP Student Affairs Section if you have any question. EMAIL:annacywu@thu.edu.tw;chuyen@thu.edu.tw